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Terms and conditions

Terms and Conditions last update: June, 7 2021.

Here you can read our Terms and Conditions where we intend to establish the general conditions that regulate access, navigation and use of the website www.ronbarcelo.com.

Just by using this website, you are attributed the condition of user, expressly accepting without reserve of all the conditions established herein.

RON BARCELO, SRL may modify or update these conditions at any time, so it is recommended that you read this document carefully each time the website is used.

Company name: RON BARCELO, SRL
Address: C/ Viriato Fiallo No. 16, Ensanche Julieta, Santo Domingo de Guzmán, República Dominicana
Phone number: (809) 334-2000
E-mail: info@ronbarcelo.com



RON BARCELO, SRL declares that, it has opted for all the necessarily reasonable measures, within its possibilities and technology capabilities, to guarantee the correct functioning of the website and thus avoid the existence and/or transmission of any computer virus that may be harmful to users.


If you are not of legal age to consume alcoholic beverages, or you come from a country that prohibits alcohol consumption, do not accept these terms and conditions and therefore do not use this website.

In order to browse our website, the user must have reached the legal age of adulthood in their country, either 18 or 21 years old.

In order for RON BARCELO, SRL to authorize the user to browse this website, they will be prompted their birth date, in order to verify their age. This, because the products that are exposed on this site are of alcoholic nature, and the offer of such products to minors, whether direct or indirect manner, is prohibited by law.

The birth date indicated by the user when prompted will be understood as a truthful statement, which exempts RON BARCELO, SRL from any liability for any information supplied that is not real. It is impossible for RON BARCELO, SRL to accurately determine the users age on the site and deny its access.

This clause makes clear the intentions of RON BARCELO, SRL in enforcing the Law as far as it is technically possible.


This site, www.ronbarcelo.com, is owned by RON BARCELO, SRL.

The Intellectual Property rights, exploitation and reproduction rights of this website and its contents are the exclusive property of the owner, unless otherwise stated in the event that RON BARCELO, SRL has obtained the corresponding license.

Content is understood to be, but not limited to, texts, photographs, graphics, images, icons, technology, interface design, navigation structure, software, audiovisual content, audio content, source code, as well as any other creation protectable by law.


– Our products

RON BARCELO, SRL will never offer its products for sale directly on this website.

The products that RON BARCELO, SRL produces, may be purchased through the BUY NOW link, which, depending on the user’s geographic location, will redirect them to the website of the closest distributor to the town where the user is located. For more information on links to other websites, please read the dedicated section.

– Tickets for the Barceló Historical Museum

On our website, the only direct purchase process established is for tickets to visit our museum. The established prices may change without prior notice.

The payment process for the Barceló Historical Museum tickets can be in on-site or on-line.

The online payment will be formalized through the PayPal platform, in order to guarantee the protection of the user’s financial data.


RON BARCELO, SRL may offer on its site links that, directly or indirectly, redirects you to web sites that are outside of www.ronbarcelo.com. In this case, these links cannot imply that there is any liability agreement with their owners.

RON BARCELO, SRL does not have the power, capacity, human or technical means to know, control and/or approve the information provided by these links. Therefore, RON BARCELO, SRL, may not, in any way, assume any type of responsibility for any aspect related to the web sites to which said links may be directed.

RON BARCELO, SRL has delegated the online sales of its products to its international distributors via a link that will redirect the user, depending on their geographical location, to the portal of the distributor of the country in which they are located. It must be taken into account that the use of VPN can affect this process, since the IP collected by our website may have changed from the real one, which could send the user to the site of a distributor on a country that is not theirs.


The applicable legislation for these Terms and Conditions will be governed by the regulations of the Dominican Republic.